Time for a new look and a complete new update on the world in which I now live!
So for those of you who have been in my life, CONGRATULATIONS, you are about to be bored. For those of you who have not here is a small introduction to the last two years of my life.
After a whole load of rubbish which, lets face it, we all go through, I am pleased to say I have had the best year of my life so far. The highlights of which include:
Re connecting with one of the most inspirational people I know
Who then introduced me to this handsome devil, and gave me a whole new bundle of gorgeous friends
I learnt how to make Vanity cases
Traveled into the unknown lands (Cardiff) to visit one of the loves of my life THE TARDIS
No People this is not photo shopped, you genuinely have to follow the darlek signs in order to find it!
Went to a whole range of Vintage Fairs from Cardiff to London and even a few in Manchester.
Got back in touch with these crazy ladies and got a little bit worse for wear a few times!
Went to London to support the wonderful Vintage Mafia girls at their Ric Rac Club night. If you have never been I highly recommend it they throw amazing parties and everyone who goes turns up in the most amazing Vintage outfits!
Learnt how to do Henna, might have bought rather a lot of the stuff and now keep attacking the boy with it. Not that he minds, I am practising my Gallifrayen symbols on him.

Had a birthday in which I was rocking out in London with these Lovelies
Took a trip to what can only be described as our families pilgrimage, FLORIDA
Was introduced to a Dalek
Made Star Wars cookies!
Created even more bags and started doing craft stalls
More Henna, this time attaching my mumma
And as if you thought I had stopped dressing up, went to several awesome evens in total costume!
The Jedi costumes are made from scratch including the lightsabers! It was an epic project and my friend Sarah and I spent a ltk of time crying and laughing about making these.
And now to the future
Watch this space people! I AM BLOGGING!