
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Stamps galore

So a little while ago I was looking through etsy for someone who could create a stamp for my boy friend for a book that he received for Christmas. The book is "1001 beers to drink before you die" and he had mentioned that he wanted a stamp to be able to mark all the beers as he drank them. I had looked all over etsy for someone who I could get to make it and though there are loads of stamp makers it didn't look like there was anyone who could do custom made ones.

Then I was talking to a friend who told me about a shop called skull and cross buns ( who could make it for me, and she did. She asked me loads of questions about what I wanted, many questions I hadn't even thought of and we came up with the perfect stamp for him. (It makes no sense to anyone else but for him it was perfect)

This post is mostly to give her a massive thank you because she was amazing, and to say to anyone thinking of stamps this is THE woman to go to.


  1. Thanks so much for the lovely mention, what a great idea for a custom stamp!

  2. I can also highly recommend Ems custom stamps. They are FAB and Em is sooooooo lovely & helpful! (plus she buys my jewellery! he he he!)

  3. Emily's stamps are amazing! She's created many custom stamps for me, even one to be used in my wedding invites! SHE'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
