
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Purses and Bags

So over the last week I have managed to finally get my ass in gear and try to use up some of the mountains of fabric that I have still remaining. I want to use the whole lot up so that I can legitimately go out and buy hoards more. Mwah ha ha!

Anyway, with the fabric that I have these are the creations I have made.

The first two are large clutch bag size. This one is missing the chain but it will have a beautiful silver chain so that you can sling it over your shoulder when your going out.

This next one is my favourite at the moment, not sure I am going to be able to part with it but I can always make another one. 

These are slightly smaller, designed to hold make-up and toiletries, I find they are very useful in your handbag for finding things (mainly my keys which always get lost somewhere inside)

This one I love, it will come with a beautiful leather strap, and is just the right size for a day out bag. I am a big fan of this fabric though it is getting hard and harder to get hold of due to the fact that they don't make it any more.

I am hoping to get them up onto etsy at some point soon so watch this space. 

That's all for now, watch out for some new images of clothes I have made and possibly some paper books (Thanks to Jasmine's lesson last year) 

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