
Sunday, 13 April 2014

Making Ikea Curtains

Last week I took on the task of making curtains for my partners bedroom. Some would think this a mammoth task and, if I am completely honest, had they been full length windows there would have been tears before bedtime and lots and lots of swearing at the sewing machine. As it was I was saved all of this by the fact that the window its self is only a little 135cm x 144cm window. 

I chose to use adjustable pleats for this first set so that I could play around with what it would look like and have a little more control. I am a bit of a sewing addict but this was a real challenge because of the size of them. You need to try and have double the length of fabric (preferably 2.5 times the width you actually want the curtain to be) in order to be able to gather it. 

I also found that if you go into a high street store to buy the pieces to make curtains they are more expensive and not as sturdy as  what you can get on line, so shop around and find the right people. The curtain tape was only £0.70pm (per meter) online compared with £5.00pm in a local store. 

The back of the curtains has black out lining, I would suggest only using this if you are a confident sewer, nervous sewers will find that while they are sewing it doesn't site where they want it to, or that is slides, practice and time mean that you will get used to handling the more temperamental fabrics.

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