
Monday, 27 June 2011

Birthday Celebrations

So it was my birthday last week and we went to one of my favourite farms, not just because it is a cider farm but because it is one of the most amazing locations and it has so many wonderful things to see. They even have an area where the little ones can go round and look at all the animals. 

One of the things I love about the cider area of the farm is that you can pour your own bottles and taste before you buy to ensure that the barrel has not gone sour or the flavour has been processed correctly. They press their own cider and perry in a small area in the courtyard and have some of the most characteristic staff it is an amazing experience. 

The next amazing surprise was when my parents showed up at work with all of the following cake, I have been on a sugar high every day since. It was amazing. 

 My mother is the best cake maker I know, not only do her cakes look gorgeous like my birthday cake below but the cake in the middle tastes fantastic. This one contained a PINK Victoria sponge with home-made jam and butter icing.

 Finally the birthday dress I made myself, smart enough for work and fun enough for me. I will be making another one soon as I bought some fabric in Brighton, and I will walk you through how I make my dresses.

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