
Sunday, 26 June 2011

Wanderings round London

So over the last few weeks I have had some wonderful free days during the week, thanks to the wonder of working shifts during the weekend, which means I get to wonder round the world with out the distraction that is the boyfriend. Saying that, shopping is probably the best time to take the boy out because he gets so annoyed with me looking in the shops that he just says yes have what you want.

The plus side to not having him there is that I get to wonder round and find some of the most amazingly cute little shops where, if I were made of money, I would buy everything they have. These shops are just round the corner from where I live in Islington, London. I have grown to love the Vintage Markets and the amazing things that you can find.

This is a fantastic shop where you can find anything you need for knitting, including two floors of every kind of wool you can imagine. They also have ladies in there who, if you are struggling with a pattern or a type of stitch, you can go in and get advice from. It's a brilliant service that should definitely be available in all craft stores 

This I found in far to cute in a coffee/ gift shop, one of the tiniest tea sets I have come across. I just couldn't resist taking the picture.

OK so the thought that went through my head in this next image was "How much cake can I fit on those stands?" Maybe I will have enough time one weekend to give it a go.

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