
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Through the Looking Glass

Afternoon All!

So a large portion of my time seems to be addicted to my Google reader looking at all the different craft things that people create and I a completely addicted. After a while though you tend to get an idea for which is actually possible to make and what some lovely person with a lot of time and patients and skill has created. 

For those people like me who purely like creating when it fits in with their spare time and when it is actually doable and doesn't fall apart at the first moment you use it, I am going to post weekly about a few of my favourite things (not meant to sound like a Sound of Music quote but still)

I had to show you all this because it is legendary! The patients and commitment to the TARDIS is amazing!

Along the Geek lines, which is actually ingrained in my soul now, here are some amazingly funny little things from Be Different ... Act Normal

These are from Make It Love It and they are amazing, but am I the only one that looks at these and thinks that there is no way those sweets would last very long if that was my pin cushion!

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