
Monday, 23 April 2012

A weekend of creating

 These are the newest edition to my apron collection, which will go on-line soon. (I know I keep saying it but they will!)

OK so not the most amazing picture, it was taken very quickly after a long day of making things. I have a habit of getting very obsessed with making them look beautiful that I forget to rest for a while, hence the blurry image.

One of them is not available as it was given to one of my dear friends as a birthday gift. 

I have, thanks to another amazing friend, been creating a few of the angry birds in felt. He currently has me working on an exploding bird, not entirely sure how possible this is but my brother and I are going to give it a damn good go! This is one of the better attempts at a pig which I achieved.

 Whilst felting I also managed to create these little ones, I don't quite know how my brain created them, but I let my fingers do the talking and went with them.

I also took a stab at creating something I saw on Rachel Khoo's Little Paris Kitchen a few weeks ago, as a first attempt it didn't come out too bad but you have to like goat's cheese to love this. It is a Pistachio, Goats Cheese and Prune cake. I know it sounds strange, and it is, but I like it as a light  lunch, especially when warm.

That is all for now my lovelies.

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